Elecmetal Seal People Environment Links news

La sostenibilidad para Elecmetal

It is part of our history and is at the essence of our work. We seek to be recognized as a strategic ally that adds value to the mining processes and to other target markets. To this end, we listen to our key audiences - customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders and the community - in order to provide solutions that respond to their needs and to the impacts generated by our business. Under this premise, we base our sustainability strategy on four pillars aimed to anticipate and respond to environmental challenges.

Pilares de sostenibilidad

Elecmetal Seal

Our values are our hallmark, guiding our decision making and the way we relate to each of our stakeholders. Respect for people's dignity, the proactive pursuit of excellence, responsibility and integrity are part of our essence and translate into a work style with high levels of loyalty and commitment.

We promote long-term relationships that create value and provide meaning to our work, with a seal of transparency and reliability, always adhering to current regulations that, in turn, allow us to report our performance on a regular basis.

An example of this are the long-term relationships with Clients, Suppliers and Companies we are linked with to deliver integral solutions to our Clients.

Our values are Respect for People's dignity, integral human development, a focus  on the internal & external client, responsibility and integrity, and commitment to sustainability.

At ME Elecmetal we design our sustainability strategy, being active agents in the mobilization of a long-term and harmonious development with our environment, seeking to articulate new ideas aimed to provide high standard services for the global requirements of the industry.


Caring for the environment is a global challenge we address in each of thesolutions we deliver to our Clients.

We are committed to be an active agent to promote carbon neutrality and circular economy in the industry, innovating and designing new alternatives for our Clients, providing permanent information about our environmental performance.

Some initiatives implemented that aim to the carbon neutrality and circular economy are - identification of the emissions in the milling process, maximization of the recycling of steel, project for recycling rubber & steel liners, among others.


Concern for the well-being of our team is inspired by the Elecmetal Seal, that is, respect for people´s dignity and integral development, in addition to the proactive pursuit of excellence. In this regard, our People management focuses on occupational health and safety, diversity, and professional development of our talents.

We promote trusting and long-term relationships with each of our collaborators, working with special emphasis on pride.


In terms of health and safety, we have a goal of  "0 fatal accidents ", for which we conduct different prevention and training programs and campaigns, with a special focus on the induction process. We have also set ourselves the challenge of reaching a 50% female staff by 2030, for which we are reinforcing the recruitment and selection processes with this focus. Finally, we are beginning to take steps towards diversity and inclusion, with a focus on disability.



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